Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dalail Khayrat

To be read on Wednesday:
O Allah, more than other soul in existence, bless the soul of our master Muhammad. And more than other body in existence, bless the body of our master Muhammad. And more than other grave in existence, bless the grave of our master Muhammad. And bless and grant abundant peace to him, his family and his Companions.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad whenever those who remember him do so.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad whenever those who neglect to remember him do so.
O Allah, bless grant peace to and sanctify our master Muhammad the Unlettered Prophet, and also his wives, the Mothers of the Believers, his descendants and the People of his House, such blessings and peace which are measureless and grant of which is incessant.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in all that is encompassed by Your Knowledge, in all that is contained in Your Book, with blessings which are a Pleasure for You and which befit his legitimate right, and grant him the Closest Access, the Pre-eminence and the Lofty Rank, and send him, O Allah, to the Most Praised Station which You promised him, and reward him on our behalf as he deserves and likewise reward his Brother Prophets, and the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous ones.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and bestow upon him the nearest position on the Day of Resurrection.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad.
O Allah, crown him with the crown of might, satisfaction and honour.
O Allah, grant our master Muhammad better than anyone of Your Creation has ever asked for himself, and grant our master Muhammad better than anyone of Your Creation has ever asked for him, and grant our master Muhammad better than You can be asked to grant him until Day of Resurrection.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, and Adam, and Abraham. And Moses, and Jesus and all the Prophets and Messenger between them and the blessings and peace of Allah be upon all of them. ( three times)
O Allah bless our father Adam and our Mother Eve, with the blessings of Your angels, and grant them Your Pleasure until it pleases them and reward them, O Allah, better than You have rewarded any farther and mother on behalf of their children.
O Allah, bless our master Gabriel, and Mika'il, and Israfil and Azrail, and the Bearers of the Throne, and the Angels of Intimacy and all the Prophets and Messengers, and the blessings and peace of Allah be upon all of them. (three times)
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as much as Your Knowledge, as much as the depths of Your Knowledge, as much as the weight of Your Knowledge and as much as the ink of Your Words.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with blessings which are continuously abundant.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with blessings never-ending and unceasing.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with as much blessings as all the blessings You have so far bestowed upon him and grant as much peace to our master Muhammad with as much peace a You have so far granted him and reward him on our behalf as he deserves.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with blessings which please You, which please him and by which You are pleased with us and reward him on our behalf as he deserves.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Ocean of Your Lights, the Mine of Your Secrets the Tongue of Your Proof, the Bridegroom of Your Kingdoms, the Leader of Your Presence, the Embroidery of Your Dominion, the Vault of Your Mercy, the Way of Your Law, the Delight of Your Unity, the Pupil of the Eye of Existence, the Cause of all Existence, the Most Eminent of Your Creation, the Representative of the Light of Your Resplendence, with blessings which last for as long as You last and remain as long as You remain, blessings which are limitless apart from your knowledge thereof, blessings which please You, which please him and by which You are pleased with us, O Lord of the worlds.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as much as all that which is within the knowledge of Allah, blessings which are eternal and which last as long as the duration of the kingdom of Allah.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham and sanctify our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You sanctified the family of our master Abraham, in all worlds, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
(and bless him) As much as all of Your creation, to the extent of Your Pleasure, in the decoration of Your Throne and in the ink of Your Words, and as often Your Creation has remembered You in the past and as often as they will remember You throughout the rest of time, and bless him in every year, in every month, in every week, in every day, in every night, in every hour, in every sniff, in every breath, in every blink and in every glance, for ever and ever, for the duration of this world and the duration of the next world, and for longer than this, with a beginning that never ends and an end which never finishes.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as much as Your love for him.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as befits his legitimate rank.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, with blessings which serve as a sanctuary for us from all terrors and oppression, which settle all our affairs, which purify us from all sins, which raise our ranks in Your Presence, and which allow us to attain ultimate goodness in the life and after death.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, a blessings of contentment, and be pleased with his Companions, a pleasure of contentment.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, whose light preceded all creation, whose appearance is a Mercy to all the worlds, as much as all your Creation which has passed and as much as that which remains, as much as those of Your Creation who are fortunate and those who are not, blessings which exceed all enumeration and which encompass all limits, blessings with no utmost limit, boundless and ceaseless blessings which are eternal, as long as Your duration, and likewise bless his family, his Companions and grant him and them abundant peace in like measure.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, whose heart is so full with Your Glory ad whose eyes are so full of Your Beauty that he came to be overjoyed, supported and victorious, and bless likewise his family and Companions and grant him and them abundant peace, and praise be to Allah for all of that.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as many times as there are leaves on an olive tree and all of its fruit.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as much as all that has been and all that will be, and as much as all that the night has enshrouded in darkness and the day has enlightened with its radiance.
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family, his wives and his descendants as many times as all the breaths of his nation.
O Allah, through the grace of this asking for blessings upon him, make us be numbered because of it among the victorious ones and at the Pool among the drinkers and waterier .
And make us observe his way and his way and obey him.
And do not untie the knot which binds us together on the Day of Resurrection O Lord of the Worlds.
And forgive us and our parents and all those who have submitted themselves (i.e. Muslims) and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

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